Microbee MSPP ForumClick to visit Microbee Technology P/L

Microbee Software Preservation Project (MSPP)

Public and Retro repositories

The Microbee-MSPP "Public" repository provides access to a limited number of files here for Microbee emulators and other related retro tools for disk and tape. These are made available by 3rd parties.
The Microbee-MSPP "Retro" repository provides access to other 3rd party documentaion and software that is not licensed to Microbee Technology P/L.

By clicking the 'submit' button below you agree to the following:
By requesting & receiving this software and/or documentation you agree to do so completely at your own risk. You also agree and acknowledge that no warranty is expressed or implied as to suitability of the files to any particular need, form, fit or function. You agree that the files are supplied 'as-is' with no warranty of correctness of information contained within.

You also agree that you will not hold Microbee Software Preservation Project or 3rd parties jointly or individually liable for any loss you may incur whatsoever due to the use or inability to use the files.

Use the following log in values for the PUBLIC repository:
user/pass: pub

Use the following log in values for the RETRO repository:
user/pass: retro

Microbee Technology repository

By clicking the 'submit' button below you agree to the following:

By requesting & receiving this software and/or documentation ('the Works') you agree to do so completely at your own risk. You also agree and acknowledge that no warranty is expressed or implied as to suitability of the Works to any particular need, form, fit or function. You agree that the Works are supplied 'as-is' with no warranty of correctness of information contained within. You also agree that you will not hold Microbee Technology Pty. Ltd., Metrocomp Pty. Ltd. &/or Microbee Software Preservation Project jointly or individually liable for any loss you may incur whatsoever due to the use or inability to use the Works.

Use the following log in values for the Technology repository:
user/pass: tech

Page last edited: 2020-09-03