Microbee-MSPP Photo Gallery

Photos of Microbee and other vintage Australian microcomputers

Gotek drive setup with Premium 128k186 viewsThe Gotek drive had 8 different disk images that were converted from DSK format and all worked perfectly.
Gotek drive attached1108 viewsThe Gotek drive with the 34pin data ribbon and powered by switching psu.
Connection for flashing167 viewsThis was the general setup for flashing the Gotek drive. Following this the grey and white cables are removed as well as the paper clip connection and almost there.
The final link in the chain172 viewsSuch a cheap piece of equipment to make life so much easier - the USB 2.0 to TTL UART Module 5Pin CP2102 Serial Converter Board @ $3.99
Gotek Installed running Premium 128k Master SS80181 viewsInstalled the Gotek into a proper unit and loaded about 40 disk images - this pic showing Premium 128k SS80 Master.
Hoardes of the Deep Realm186 viewsI had to try this disk out, worked well - was the v1.1
Gotek install closeup265 viewsThe Gotek drive fits very snuggly into the 3.5" drive slot, allowing removal of the A: which had no faceplate and replaced with something much nicer.
The best game of all - Kingtut213 viewsI had to try this classic out in the list of images in the arsenal.
8 files on 1 page(s)