
Microbee Software Preservation Project

Welcome to the Microbee Software Preservation Project (MSPP).



The MSPP is a community of vintage microcomputer enthusiasts who have come together with an aim to preserve the software and documentation of the early microcomputer era. Our focus is on Austalian microcomputers from the 1980s, and particularly the Microbee. We feel it is important to preserve this old technology for future generations and to enable members to relive fond memories from the past. Our emphasis is to involve the community in sharing or donating/lending software and documentation so that it can be archived by members of the MSPP. We will endeavor to make our archive as complete as possible and to share it with the vintage and Microbee microcomputer community.

The MSPP is a non-commercial and non-profit based project.


The MSPP Forum is a meeting place for interested members to share their computer experiences with other interested members. Members are also able to share their Microbee and other Australian vintage computer related projects and files with others. Access to most parts of the MSPP Forum requires user registration, but there are also a number of public forums that are viewable (only) without registration. More information is available within the public Information and News forums on the main forum page. New members can register by using the "Register" link at the top of the page.

The MSPP Forum can be found here - MSPP Forum

The MSPP Gallery allows members to publish pictures of their vintage computer collection or projects for other members or the general public to enjoy. The Gallery content is publicly viewable without registration. Members with pictures to share can request Gallery access from the Forum administrator.

The MSPP Gallery can be found here - MSPP Gallery


The MSPP Repository is the archive of collected software and documentation that has been assembled by the MSPP to date. There are 3 separate sections:

  • Public - the Public Repository contains files that our members have decided to make publicly available. No registration is required to access this repository.
  • Main (called Repository) - The Main Repository requires registration for access and contains files from 3rd party suppliers for the Microbee and other vintage Australian microcomputers.  The MSPP has attempted to contact the various 3rd parties where possible to obtain permission to distribute these files. Some 3rd parties no longer exist or we have not received a reply when trying to contact them. The materials distributed here are provided on the understanding that they are for personal use only.
  • Microbee Technology (called Technology) - the Technology Repository also requires registration for access. It contains Microbee software and documentation that is copyrighted to Microbee Technology Pty Ltd. Microbee Technology has granted the MSPP a conditional license to distribute this content for free to registered and approved members. As with the Main Repository, these files are provided on the understanding that they are for personal use only.

The MSPP Repository can be found here - MSPP Repository


The MSPP Wiki is a facility that members can use to store and provide easy access to any information, documentation or reference material that is relevant to the scope of the MSPP. While the content is largely intended for the use of MSPP members, it is also publicly available for anyone else with an interest in early Australian computers, and particularly the Microbee.

The MSPP Wiki can be found here - MSPP Wiki